Additional Projects

100% OWNED

Foley Uranium Project

Multiple drill targets already identified from government radiometric data

Foley has the potential to host a roll-front uranium system with little or no signature at surface. Roll-front deposits can be very high grade.

Similar setting as Letlhakane to the south, targeting uranium near base of the Karoo sediments

Surface radiometric anomalism to be tested by shallow drilling.

100% OWNED

Ngamiland Uranium Project

Exploration completed by A-Cap Energy (ASX. ACB) identified uranium mineralisation from near surface sediments returning results of 338 ppm U3O8 to 1,328 ppm U3O8.

Ilala’s target is paleo-drainage hosted uranium, either calcrete or lacustrine hosted. Two of Ilala’s Ngamiland PLs include large paleo-drainages: Khaudum and Chadum. Historical exploration in these areas has identified radiometric anomalies and samples exceeding 100ppm U.

The next phase of exploration will include an airborne radiometric survey, rock and sediment sampling and reverse circulation (RC) drilling is scheduled to further delineate the resource potential.

100% OWNED

MEA Uranium Asset

Multiple drill targets already identified from government radiometric data

Airborne radiometric and magnetic survey planned and drill permitting already underway for approval prior to ASX listing.


Orange River Lithium Project

Project area contains Li and Ta occurrences and extensive pegmatite fields.

Proven location in Namibia: